Club League coming soon - contact Mike Evans if interested
Club League coming soon - contact Mike Evans if interested
Register before August 15th - Season runs September - November
12 game guarantee - 10 game season + a double - elimination tournament.
Championship Rings for Tournament winners
All participants receive $100 discount off of their first Vegas Valley Baseball/USSSA Tournament of 2024-25 the season.
8u-10u -$1250
11u/12u - 1350
14-18u - $1600
includes 1 dz baseball
Umpires/Fields /Lights/Scheduling
All games on City of Henderson Fields
Who's Interested - updated 8/12
Who's Interested - updated 8/12
LV Knights Elite Black 13u
NSA Baseball 14u, 16u, 18u
LV Knights 16u
Silverado Greyhawks 16u, 18u
NSA Stars 11u
Enterprise 14u
Outlawz 12u
Outlawz 13u
Eastside Bandidos 9u
High Heat 11u
Vegas Valley Baseball Partners
Vegas Valley Baseball Partners